申 請 注 意 事 項 Notice for Register  

  1. 112學年日間部學生機車停車證申請辦法
  2. 112學年進修部學生汽、機車停車證申請辦法(112.09.11修改版)
  3. 校園停車場位置圖下載 Download Map of STUST motorcycle parking lots
  4. 『機車停車貼紙』請妥善黏貼於機車車牌的空白位置(例:擋泥板、車燈上下方),機車請依規定停放於機車停車格內,S棟旁重型機車停車格僅限紅、黃牌重型機車停放,未依規定停放者予以鎖上機車大鎖並依校規處份。
    Please stick your parking permit near your vehicle registration plate and park your vehicle in the parking lot properly. Parking lot next to S building is for heavy motorcycle above 250 CC. If you don't follow the parking regulations, your vehicle may be locked.
  5. 『汽車停車證』僅限進修部及碩專班學生申請,並依規定時間進入校園(平日08:30~17:30不得駛入),入校後限速25公里,停車時請停放於露天平面停車格內,並務必把『停車證置放於方向盤前的擋風玻璃下』,以方便停車場巡車人員查驗,且不可停放過夜,違者註銷停車證並依校規處份。
    Parking permit for car is for the students of Bachelor's degree further study programs & Master's degree on the job programs. Please follow the designated time. The speed limit is 25 KM on campus. Please park your car at the outdoor parking lot and put your parking permit under the windscreen to be checked. Please do not park your car overnight.
  6. 汽車停車證、機車停車貼紙遺失均不予補發,須重新付費申辦。
    The parking permit cannot be reissued. If you lose it, you have to apply and pay again for the permit.
  7. 偽造、複製本校汽、機車停車證(貼紙)係屬犯罪行為,切勿以身試法。
    Fabricate/copy the permit is illegal. Please do not violate the regulation.


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